1. What is Testosterone
Your ovaries or testicles are the primary organs that create the hormone testosterone. Since it is the primary androgen, it promotes the growth of masculine traits.
2. Normal Levels of Testosterone
They typically vary from 300 to 1,000 ng/dL, however, they can decrease as one age, usually beginning at age 30.
3. Importance of Testosterones
It is essential to the generation of sperm and is most frequently linked to sex drive. It also affects bone and muscle mass, how men store body fat and even red blood cell production.
4. Signs of Low Testosterone Level
- Decreased sex drive
- Fatigue
- Increased body fat
- Feelings of depression
- Low self-esteem
- Hair loss
- Thinner bones
5. Foods that help boost testosterone levels
It is regarded as a superfruit by all and has received praise for possible health advantages. Pomegranate is loaded with antioxidants which can make it a great part of a daily diet. Antioxidants work by neutralizing the free radicals in the body and can raise the concentrations of sex hormones in the bloodstream.
Ghee positively affects testosterone levels due to its high fat-soluble vitamins and medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). These nutrients have been shown to support hormone production and balance in the body.
It is a rich source of vitamin D and vitamin K2 which is important for testosterone production and maintaining healthy hormone levels in the body.
It is your ally in the kitchen and the bedroom. They might enable you to produce better and more sperm. It increases a hormone that sets off your body's production of testosterone. And it has high levels of natural plant chemicals called flavonoids, which may safeguard your sperm against damage.
6. Ayurvedic Herbs that help boost testosterone levels
(Watch the COMPLETE VIDEO to learn the right ways of consuming these foods and herbs for optimal results)
Studies show that total testosterone levels increase after exercising, especially after resistance training because exercise helps to improve mood and stimulates brain chemicals to help you feel happier and more confident. Exercise also boosts energy and endurance, and helps you to sleep better. Daily exercise of thirty minutes is advised by fitness professionals.
The bottom line
Your testosterone levels and other hormones might be impacted by your diet and way of living. Increasing the amount of foods high in minerals, such as vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, and flavonoid antioxidants, that are critical for sustaining optimum testosterone levels may promote hormonal health.
However, it's crucial to speak with a healthcare provider for guidance on the best testing and treatment options if you have low testosterone or believe you may be exhibiting low testosterone symptoms.